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Kira is inspired to follow a career in education

Kira is inspired to follow a career in education

When Kira enrolled at the BUSY School Cairns Campus in Term Three, 2020 her plans were to progress into hotel management. Inspired by the teaching staff at the school and a subsequent four-day work experience, Kira soon changed her sights to a career in education.

Throughout Term Three and Four, Kira built relationships with the BUSY Schools staff and her confidence continually blossomed.  In Term Four, Kira sat with Cairns Campus Principal, Naomi Vucas, in her Year 12 planning meeting and discussed how her plans had changed and that she now wanted to move into early childhood education.

Naomi searched for training courses that would lead her in that direction and assisted her in enrolling in a Certificate II Community Services (early education).  From there, BUSY School contacted Yorkeys Knob State School to organise a block of work experience in a prep classroom to ensure that she knew more about this pathway.

Just this week, Kira spent four days in the prep classroom, nervously arriving on Monday she soon felt better after seeing a friendly BUSY staff member ready to greet her and get her started.  When the first day ended she was asked how it went.

“It was great!  I did some filing, some little jobs, some marking and working with the kids that need a little extra help.  I had so much fun.  Thank you again for setting this up,” Kira stated.

Her time at Yorkeys Knob State School has reaffirmed Kira’s decision to start her career path towards early education.  The main thing she learnt about working with young children is to ‘always start a new day as a fresh start’.

“At the end of my work experience I gave all the kids a chocolate to say thanks for having me and the reaction from them all just melted my heart.”

“I’ve always been told that I am good with kids and previously I worked in a holiday program and I really just love seeing the difference in the kids from when they start school to when they finish and seeing them develop. It’s amazing to see.”

At BUSY Schools, students are encouraged and supported to find a career path that suits their passions and skills.

“Our school is all about finding each student’s strength to guide them towards a path that they will thrive in. It is great to see Kira excited about a career in education, it is a really rewarding career path and with her enthusiasm and attitude, we’re sure she will succeed in this path”, Principal at the Cairns Campus, Naomi Vucas stated.

During her final Year 12 schooling, Kira will complete her Certificate II in Community Services and BUSY Schools will assist her to find the most suitable pathway into university.  Conversations about her best options are already in progress with the local university.

For more information regarding BUSY Schools contact 1300 176 472 or email

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