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Alex is feeling confident about his future after graduating from The BUSY School

Alex is feeling confident about his future after graduating from The BUSY School

After experiencing issues with mental health and bullying at his previous school, Alex spent most of 2021 bouncing from job to job in Hospitality and Retail due to the impacts of COVID-19.

It wasn’t until his mother, Emily, suggested going back to school to finish Year 12 that they discovered The BUSY School and how they could assist Alex with reengaging in education. Their local campus was in Shailer Park.

The BUSY School offers Year 11 and 12 students an alternative learning solution and the opportunity to re-engage with education and complete senior school, while getting a head-start into employment.

“The flexible schooling really did help, especially with being able to make it to health appointments,” said Emily.

Alex was always a smart teenager; he just hadn’t found an environment where he felt comfortable and confident in himself and his abilities.

The BUSY School focuses on providing students with a safe and supportive environment where they can work towards their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) – as well as find a pathway to future employment.

“Since being at The BUSY School, I’ve noticed a general improvement in Alex’s attitude, health and wellbeing, and positivity about the future,” Emily further stated.

This year, Alex graduated with straight A’s, a First Aid certificate and is heading to the JMC Academy in February 2023, to study a Diploma in Film & TV.

His mother couldn’t be prouder and stated, “I was very impressed to hear there was a next step after school and am proud to see him taking an active interest in his future.”

Shane Blood, Principal at The BUSY School Shailer Park campus, stated, “Here at The BUSY School, we aim to progress our students into employment or further training or education following graduation.

“Alex has come so far since starting with us here at The BUSY School and we wish him the best of luck next year with his further studies.”

Find out more and watch what people say about The BUSY School. 


Alex and his cockatiel, Lavernius, who also loved The BUSY Schools.

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