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Hoops4Schools ends on a high, raising over $50,000

Hoops4Schools ends on a high, raising over $50,000

Supporting Youth to Reengage with Education

The 20-day annual fundraising cause, Hoops4Schools, has successfully concluded, this year raising an impressive $51,871 to support young people who are disengaged from mainstream education. With 20% of youth now affected by this growing crisis, Hoops4Schools brings much-needed attention to the urgent need for alternative learning pathways across the nation.

Over 300 participants from the community joined the Hoops4Schools 20-Day Challenge, embracing the joy of sinking hoops, whether on the court or in creative ways at home, and contributing to the cause. The event sparked widespread community engagement, with friends, families, and businesses rallying together to make a meaningful impact.

Lee Aitken, CEO of The BUSY School, said, “The success of Hoops4Schools this year has been overwhelming. It’s heartening to see so many people come together for such an important cause. The funds raised will directly support programs that provide young people with the opportunity to re-engage with their education and create meaningful careers.”

The BUSY School campuses played a pivotal role in the event’s success. From hosting a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle to opening their doors for Community Campus Events, and even engaging in the annual Interschool Challenge between Brisbane City and Shailer Park, each campus contributed in unique ways.

The highlight was the Hoops4Schools Corporate Challenge, where The BUSY School Cleveland campus rose as the ultimate champions, showcasing their dedication and competitive spirit. Schools and Corporate teams battled it out on the court, providing stiff competition and making the challenge a thrilling spectacle.

Jason from Optus summed up the excitement on the court and the reasons they were supporting on the day. “Helping young people with their education is something that’s close to our heart here at Optus. We’ve loved the opportunity to come in and see what the day is all about.”

Sam Bell, who was named Fundraiser of the Year, expressed her pride in being part of The BUSY School community. “I’m so proud to be a part of The BUSY School community and wanted to put in the effort to share what we do to support young people. Thank you to my friends, family, supporting VET providers, and companies who backed my efforts in raising $1,365,” said Sam.

The BUSY School Salisbury campus was recognised as the Fundraising Team of the Year, raising $5115 with their efforts.

In a moment of excitement, the Lucky Draw Fundraise Prize was awarded to Shane Blood, who took home a $1,000 gift voucher from JB Hi-Fi.

“Hoops4Schools has not only been a success in terms of fundraising but also in raising awareness about the pressing need for alternative learning options in our country. We look forward to building on this momentum year after year,” added Lee Aitken.

Hoops4Schools 2024 has set a strong foundation for future events, with growing awareness and community involvement ensuring that more young people will have access to the educational support they need.

The BUSY School would like to thank all who were involved, in particular these businesses for their support through donations, sponsorships and fundraising:

Hutchinsons Builders, ENTAG, MOB Academy, Lauxes Grates, Hundt Law, Akela Constructions, SEE Group, CoAct, MGI Accountants, Optus, Bickerton Masters, Contempo Air and Electrical, KPMG, Flow Telecommunications, von Bibra Auto Group, Neteffects, Blueprint Career Development, Edwards Property, Robert Free Design, Guerrilla Marketing, Icon Brisbane, Boyds Bay Group, TCLH, Attwood Marshall Lawyers, Edge Marketing, Kerry Gibb Workplace Law, Be Challenged, EVT Hotels & Resorts, Workwear Hub and Dreamworld. 

Want to be involved in 2025?

To be involved in the 2025 Hoops4Schools event or to see how your organisation can support young people to re-engage with their education, contact

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