The BUSY School recognises the importance of providing the opportunity to improve the social, educational and employment outcomes of young people, in particular, those who have disengaged or who are at risk of disengaging from school.
We are a Queensland special assistance school approved by the Non-State Schools Accreditation Board under the Education (Accreditation of Non-State Schools) Act 2017.
All students complete a Senior Education and Training (SET) Plan and co-develop an Individual Learning Plan in consultation with our staff and their parents/carers, that aligns with students’ interests, strengths and ability. Students are given the opportunity to guide their own learning journeys, as well as enter into the workplace. Student pathways provide students at The BUSY School with the opportunity to work towards their Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) or have been identified to receive a Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement (QCIA).
Students at The BUSY School complete three core Applied senior subjects, endorsed through the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA). Typically, students complete Essential English, Essential Mathematics and Social & Community Studies plus additional electives/courses from a range of Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses under the Australian Qualifications framework to accrue a minimum of 20 credits towards their QCE.
The BUSY School support students to gain their learners permit and may access support from PCYC and their ‘Braking the Cycle’ program to obtain their required 100 learner hours with mentor drivers.
Course | Credit |
Essential English | 4 |
Essential Mathematics | 4 |
Social and Community Studies | 4 |
(Example) Hospitality – Certificate II (VET Elective) | 4 |
(Example) Business – Certificate II (VET Elective) | 4 |
School-based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (VET Elective) | Up to 26 |
QCE Credit Prediction | 26 |
Completion of qualifications such as:
- School-based traineeship or apprenticeship
- Certificate III in Business
- Certificate II in Sport & Recreation
- Certificate II in Plumbing
- Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
- Certificate I in Construction
- Certificate II in Furniture Making
- Certificate II & III Hospitality
- Certificate II in Automotive Voc Prep
- Certificate II in Construction Pathways
- Certificate II in Salon Assistant
- Certificate II in Logistics
- Certificate II in Retail Services

- Group A students attend campus for school subjects on Monday and Tuesday.
- Group B students attend campus for school subjects on Thursday and Friday.
Vocational and industry days are individualised for each student and may include:
- structured work placements
– work experience (WEX)
– school based apprenticeship or traineeship (SAT) - vocational education and training (VET) qualification
- flexible day to complete theory and coursework for VET qualification
- use part of a day for
– driving lessons to support transport goals to access work placement
– private/professional appointments to support engagement in The BUSY Schools program - The BUSY School to Work program; work readiness and employability/transferable skills
- academic tutorials, as requested by The BUSY School staff