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The Enrolment Process

The Enrolment Process

At The BUSY School we recognise the potential of our students and that a supportive environment can build confidence and unlock endless opportunities.

The BUSY School serve young people who are disengaged from education and whose needs are not being met by traditional education. Students are often referred from other schools (both government and non-government), psychologists, guidance officers and community services. The BUSY School has specially adapted programs and structures designed to re-engage students in education and prepare them for further training and employment.


  • The BUSY School is a co-educational senior secondary school catering for students in Year 11-12.
  • The BUSY School is an inclusive school and accepts students that meet the definition of requiring re-engagement in education.
  • If enrolment capacity is reached in a particular year level, prospective students will be placed on a waiting list.
  • Where students have specific, high level needs, extensive information is required to be shared and discussed to determine how (and if) these needs will be able to be met at The BUSY School.
  • All students wishing to enrol at The BUSY School must attend an interview.
  • The collection, use and disclosure of information about a student is protected by the provisions of the School’s Privacy Policy, a copy of which can be obtained from our website.

Enrolment Procedure

  1. Parent/carer completes the online application form
  2. Enrolment officer arranges interviews with parent/carer
  3. Interview process is two stages:
    • Parent/carer and student interview with Principal (or delegate)
    • Student assessment interview with relevant personnel
  4. Parent/carer must provide the following documents:
    • Student’s birth certificate or passport
    • VISA (if applicable)
    • The most recent school report
    • Most recent NAPLAN results
    • Immunisation records
    • Medical documents (please attach copies of any special needs and/or any diagnostic, paediatric, educational, psychological or other reports applicable to the student’s care and education)
  5. After the interview and information gathering process, the relevant school staff will meet to evaluate and discuss the student’s level of need. This will be based on the following criteria:
    • Current school does not have flexibility to meet needs around education and/or employment therefore disengaging from schooling
    • Curriculum not catering for specific needs or interests therefore disengaging
    • Financial need in the family of residence
    • Lack of social support
    • Bullying
    • Overwhelmed by large school/lack of connection
    • Don’t feel they belong in traditional school due to appearance, feeling different, sexuality etc.
    • Demonstrated mental health issues particularly anxiety and depression
    • Previous enrolment history including attendance, expulsions and admission refusals
    • Youth justice issues
  6. Not all students that apply to The BUSY School are offered a place. Examples may include, if a student is assessed to have an extreme and specific level of need and The BUSY School may not have the resources to cater to the educational needs of the student, or the student may pose an unacceptable risk to the safety of other students.
  7. Places are offered to students who have successfully completed the enrolment process in accordance with the terms of the enrolment contract if positions are available.

Get started today

Application Form

Professional Referral Form/Letter of Support

This form is to be completed by a professional referee who has an understanding of the student’s educational support needs.
Typically, a suitable referee may include a Principal, Deputy Principal, or Guidance Officer.

Download and complete form here:

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